Sunday, December 6, 2009

Upset you missed out on this year's mega stock market rally? Don't be.

As many of my readers know, I follow closely some the brightest minds on the economy and the markets, those whom have excellent or at least good track records and past calls. As we approach the New Year, I’ll put together a survey of forecasts and predictions of a collection of the best minds.

One of the best forecasters of secular trends is John Mauldin.

John Mauldin of Millennium Wave Investments says long-term investors should ignore the temptation to get a piece of the action. In his view, there's only one metric to pay attention to: Valuations. And, for now, stocks are too rich for his blood -- "nosebleed" is the term he used.

That doesn't mean you should park your money in a CD or under a mattress. "There's lot of other things you can do while you're waiting" for valuations to come down, he says.

Among Mauldin's recommendations are fixed income and dividend yielding utility stocks. And for the more speculative at heart, he thinks buying real estate for rental income is a smart move now that housing prices have come down so dramatically.

"2010 will be a mediocre year for the economy, with GDP 1.0% at best"

"I'm in the double-dip recession camp," says John Mauldin of Millennium Wave Investments, who fears the Obama administration is "going to massively increase taxes…in 2011, in a weak economy. I think that's the absolutely dumbest thing we're going to do as a country."

Mauldin sees many parallels between today's economy and the malaise of the 1970s. With too much debt, slow growth and high unemployment, "it won't be fun" for the next few years, he says.

Nevertheless, Mauldin is actually optimistic about the future, which might shock some who've seen him in previous appearances on Tech Ticker.

In his e-newsletter, Thoughts from the Frontline, Mauldin envisions explosive growth in telecom, energy and medical sciences. Much the same way the PC revolution changed the way we communicate, work and live, so too will this next wave of innovation.

"It's going to be the most exciting time to ever be alive, in the next two decades" Mauldin predicts.

Saverio Manzo

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